One of my biggest challenges has always been to quit smoking. This morning, I started on Chantix. I've warned both the men in my life, Steve and my son to beware. I've heard so many things and I just don't want anyone blindsided. Wish me luck.
Got my eyes checked yesterday for new glasses. It appears both of the last two pair purchased were not done correctly. I've also got to watch my sugar more closely because it does affect my vision. I'll pick my new glasses up tomorrow morning. Steve picked them out. Lol, they are purple frames and I love how they fit. I just hope I can see better.
Now that the weather has cooled from those horrible 90 degree 100% humidity days, I've been able to get into the garden in the morning. For those who don't know, I garden in straw bales, and a couple of containers. At the beginning of last year, we threw a left over straw bale into a galvanized horse tank, conditioned and threw a few spuds in there to see what would happen. We harvested a few and thought we'd gotten all of them out. Of course you never get them all it seems like. They keep putting on.
Anyway, at the end of last year, we tossed in the used bales I'd gardened in, and sprinkled some nitrogen on top, watered it in, and planted potatoes. I've started harvesting. The vines are either dying back...or something is lunching on them. Dug up some huge red potatoes and a few smaller white skinned. But putting my hands and arms down into that now rich compost up to my elbows was heavenly. At the end of this year, I'll add more broken down composted bales, but this will probably be the last year I can add to the tank. Next year we'll move at least half the compost to the compost pit and let it build up again.
Third project I'm working on, with the help of my son is my MeSpace. I'm carving out a corner of our workroom so I can set up there to write uninterupted and paint without having to put everything away at the end of the day. Great big windows on two sides and the table nestled in the corner. Can't wait until it's finished!
And, interspersed is the usual cooking, cleaning and laundry. Right now, it really feels like I'm living the dream....